
Mostrando entradas de 2018

tabla de materiales tpr

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chistmas padlet


photo.of my feet


algorithm image


save the earth using algorithms

SAVE THE EARTH USING ALGORITHMS           1.- Write the definition of: An algorithm: is a series of instructions or ordened steps for performing an activity or resolving a problem The project approach: is a method of dealing with and resolving the practical problems affecting any society. It consists of ten stages and we study it as an algorithm A program: is the translation of an algorithm into a programming language that can be understood by any computer 2.- The chart used to represent algorithms is called …flowchart…………….. or …flow diagram………….. and uses symbols connected by …arrows………. to show the sequences of the actions. 3.- Write the name of the symbols used in flowcharts, what they are used to and insert one image of each one and all together in an example: terminal : represents the beginning or end of the development of an algorithm process: used to represent each o...

mi avatar :)

if you want to see how i've done the avatar click here

